I created this site back in August to improve my writing skills, showcase my technical knowledge and share my opinions. However, writing stuff is not as easy as it seems. Especially for someone like me who never learnt English properly. Three months after I published this site, here comes my first blog article. Big procrastinator confirmed. But anyway, you have to start somewhere, right?

For the remaining part of this article, I want to briefly discuss one of the major reasons that I started this blog and picked up my reading habit.

Canadian engineering students do not take enough complementary studies electives. Our society rewards those who are creative and able to bring revolutionary changes. Specialized engineers who do not diversify themselves are always specialized engineers. No one wants to be just an engineer.

I talked to a very prominent hacker in the hackathon community at HackPrinceton a few days ago. He is the type of person who wins every hackathon that he participates in. I know that he is pursuing a double major degree but never expected that neither of his two majors are related to computer science. When looking at a problem, his knowledge in the two fields he majors in gives him a different perspective than that of computer science majors. It allows him to come out with the most creative and effective solutions, the solutions our society calls for.

Engineering students must broaden their knowledge. It is ridiculous that throughout my 8 study terms, there are only three slots for linkage electives and two for science electives.

I am not satisfied to be just an engineer. I want to bring real revolutionary changes to our society and make it a better place.

So I started this blog.